LSCache for xenForo
Keep the conversation flowing freely and quickly with LSCache for XenForo.
Deliver a superior experience to your non-logged-in visitors.
Cache your XenForo 1.x Site
The LiteSpeed Cache Add-on for XenForo 1.x is a PHP-based add-on that communicates with your installation of LiteSpeed Web Server and its built-in page cache, LSCache. Because LSCache is built directly into LSWS, overhead is reduced and caching can be done more efficiently than with other PHP-based caches. LSCXF1 also supports HTTPS, HTTP/2, and QUIC out-of-box with no extra configuration necessary.
LSCache for XenForo 2.x is also available.

› Server-Level Full-Page Cache for Guest Users
› Integrated into LSWS and Web ADC
› Supports HTTPS, HTTP/2 and QUIC
› Works with OpenLiteSpeed and LiteSpeed Enterprise
› Auto-Purge Related Content After Edits
Also Available for xenForo 2.x
The LiteSpeed Cache Add-on for XenForo 2.x caches dynamic content as static HTML for guest users. Currently, LSCXF2's caching is rewrite-rule based (as opposed to LSCXF1's, which is tag-based). Using rewrite rules, content is cached for 5 minutes at a time. On a busy forum, this is enough to reduce server load significantly.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, LSCXF will always be free and open source. That said, a LiteSpeed server is required, and there are fees associated with some LiteSpeed server editions.
A LiteSpeed server is required in order to use this plugin.
- LiteSPeed Web Server Enterprise with LSCache Module (v5.2.2+)
- LiteSpeed WebADC (v2.1+)
Any single server or cluster including a LiteSpeed server will work.
The LSCache Module is built into your licensed copy of LiteSpeed Web Server. When it comes to caching dynamic content, the LSCache Module does all of the work.
The LSCache Add-on for XenForo is simply an interface. It allows XenForo to instruct the server Module on what to cache, how long to cache it, and when to purge. And it allows the site owner to manage and configure the Module. Without the server Module, the XenForo Add-on could not function.
A licensed LSCache Module is required in order to use the free LSCache XenForo Add-on.
The cache entries are stored at the LiteSpeed server level. The simplest solution is to use LiteSpeed WebADC, as the cache entries will be stored at that level.
If using another load balancer, the cache entries will only be stored at the backend nodes, not at the load balancer.
The purges will also not be synchronized across the nodes, so this is not recommended.
If a customized solution is required, please contact LiteSpeed Technologies at
NOTICE: The rewrite rules created by this plugin must be copied to the Load Balancer.
No, not at this time.
LiteSpeed Cache for XenForo 1 works right out of the box with default settings that are appropriate for most sites. Please visit our LSCXF wiki for your installation process.
LiteSpeed Cache for XenForo 2 involves editing .htaccess and setting up rewrite rules. Please refer to the steps from our LSCXF wiki page.